Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sleepover Bandits

Director Barry Levinson

Sleepover Bandits
This movie is about two bank robbers, Terry and Joe, that break out of prison and start sleeping over at the bank manager's houses and making them open the safes at the bank the next morning. One of the characters, Terry, thinks at some times that he is paralyzed. He always thinks that something is wrong with him especially when he is in a personal situation.
I chose this movie because it was very funny but shows a Somatoform disorder. Terry from the film has conversion disorder, a somatoform disorder in which a person appears to be, but actually is not, blind, deaf, paralyzed, or insensitive to pain.

1 comment:

Stephen Medlin said...

This is a hilarious movie. The woman that they kidnapped suffered from Stockholm Syndrome, which I dont believe we covered. Funniest part of the movie... BEAVERS AND DUCKS!!!!